Agnes originates in Greek language and means "sacred, chaste". Probably encouraged by Saint Agnes of Rome, a famous Christian saint,
Category: Girls Names with Meanings
Agnetha is a Scandinavian variant of Agnes. Agnes originates in Greek language and means "sacred, chaste". Probably encouraged by Saint
Agot is a Norwegian variant of Agatha. Agatha originates in Greek language and means "good-hearted". It was the name of
Agueda is a Portuguese and Spanish variant of Agatha. Agatha originates in Greek language and means "good-hearted". It was the
Sky originates in English language and is taken from the word for the part of the atmosphere visible from the
Ai originates in Chinese language and means "lovable". As a feminine given name it is very rare in the United
Ailani probably originates in Hawaiian language and means "high chief".
Aileen is a variant of Eileen. Eileen most likely originates in Greek language and means "torch of light". It is
Aisling originates in Gaelic languages and means "fantasy, dream". This is the name of a poetic genre, developed in Irish
Akachi originates in African languages and means "God's hand". It can be used as both feminine and masculine given names,
Akhila is a feminine form of Akhil. Akhil originates in Sanskrit and means "entire". As a masculine given name it
Akuchi originates in African languages and means "God is rich". It can be used as both feminine and masculine given
Alani originates in Hawaiian language and means "orange tree". Its rising popularity might be due to the similarly sounding and
Aifric probably originates in Irish language and means "agreeable". It was popularized by an Irish TV series of the same
Aldabella is a combination of the name Alda and the suffix -bella. Alda originates in Germanic languages and means "old
Alecta is most likely a variant of Alecto. Alecto originates in Greek language and means "ceaseless". In Greek mythology, Alecto
Alessa is a variant of Alexa, derived from Alexandra. Alexandra originates in Greek language and means "protector of humanity". It
Aleta is a variant of Alethea. Alethea originates in Greek language and means "truthful". As a feminine given name it
Alex is a short form of Alexandra, or Alexander. Alexandra originates in Greek language and means "protector of humanity". It
Alexandra originates in Greek language and means "protector of humanity". It is a feminine form of Alexander. Saint Alexandra was